3.19. Check of level of oil in the engine
Fig. 1.44. Podkapotny space of cars with the petrol engine: 1 — a tank for brake fluid; 2 — the air filter; 3 — spark plugs; 4 — a stopper of an oil-filling mouth; 5 — a tank of the amplifier of steering; 6 — a windshield washer reservoir; 7 — a broad tank; 8 — a radiator stopper; 9 — the probe for check of level of oil in the engine; 10 — the probe for check of level of oil in the automatic transmission; 11 — the block of safety locks; 12 — the rechargeable battery
The Podkapotny space of cars with petrol and diesel engines is shown in fig. 1.44 and 1.45.
Fig. 1.45. Podkapotny space of cars with the diesel engine: 1 — the air filter; 2 — a tank for coupling drive liquid; 3 — a tank for brake fluid; 4 — the fuel filter; 5 — a stopper of an oil-filling mouth; 6 — the probe for check of level of oil in the engine; 7 — a tank of the amplifier of steering; 8 — a windshield washer reservoir; 9 — a broad tank; 10 — a radiator stopper; 11 — the block of safety locks; 12 — the rechargeable battery
Fig. 1.46. A probe arrangement for check of level of engine oil: And — the petrol engine; B — the diesel engine. The wide arrow is directed to a forward part of the car
Check oil level in the engine through each 500 km of a run and before a long trip. You carry out an inspection on the cold engine or in a few minutes after an engine stop, having installed the car on the horizontal platform. Take out the probe (fig. 1.46) and dry wipe it. Insert the probe against the stop, take out it and check oil level. If necessary add oil that its level did not exceed most admissible (fig. 1.47).
Fig. 1.47. Masloizmeritelny probe
Excessively high level of oil leads to hit of oil on spark plugs, to the increased formation of a deposit and smoking of the engine. At a dolivka of oil to apply oil of the same brand and type that is filled in in the engine.