3.3. Kontrolnoizmeritelny devices
Fig. 1.3. Governing bodies and instrumentations: 1 — a side ventilating nozzle; 2 — the switch of headlights, dimensional light and indexes of turn; 3 — a sound signal and a safety cushion of the driver; 4 — a combination of devices; 5 — hours; 6 — the switch of a screen wiper and windscreen washer; 7 — the switch of heating of back glass; 8 — the central ventilating nozzle;
9 — the switch of the alarm system; 10 — the switch of back fog lamps;
11 — the switch of cleaners of headlights; 12 — the radio tape recorder; 13 — a safety cushion of the forward passenger; 14 — a ware box; 15 — governing bodies of ventilation, heating and the conditioner; 16 — an ashtray; 17 — switches of heating of front seats; 18 — the lighter; 19 — the ignition lock;
20 — a cover of the block of safety locks; 21 — the lever of opening of a cowl; 22 — the regulator of provision of side mirrors; 23 — the regulator of illumination of a combination of devices; 24 — the proofreader of the direction of light of headlights
The arrangement of governing bodies and instrumentations is given in fig. 1.3.
The combination of devices 4 (see fig. 1.3) consists of the following devices, alarm lamps and sound indicators:
Fig. 1.4. Speedometer and odometer: 1 — the odometer;
2 — the counter of a daily run; 3 — the button of dumping of the counter.
— the speedometer shows the speed of the movement of the car in km/h (fig. 1.4);
— the odometer registers the total size of the way to km passed by the car;
— the counter of a daily run registers length of certain sites of a way. For installation of the counter on zero it is necessary to press the button 3.
Fig. 1.5. Tachometer: 1 — area of unacceptably high turns of the engine
— the tachometer (fig. 1.5) shows the frequency of rotation of a bent shaft of the engine in rpm. Finding of an arrow of a tachometer in a zone 1 is inadmissible because of a possible exit of the engine out of operation;
Fig. 1.6. Index of temperature of cooling liquid: 1 — working range; 2 — a zone of high temperature
— index of temperature of cooling liquid (fig. 1.6). Temperature can change depending on temperature of air and the mode of the movement of the car. When finding an arrow in a zone of high temperature it is necessary to stop the car as soon as possible. Long operation of the engine in a superheated state can lead to an exit it out of operation;
Fig. 1.7. The index of level of fuel in a tank:
1 — a full tank; To — a control lamp of low level of fuel
— the index of level of fuel in a tank (fig. 1.7) shows about a level of fuel. At dispersal, braking, turns, the movement under a bias of the shooter of the device can fluctuate slightly.