Service of Nissan Almera from 1995 to 2000 in N15 body
1. General information
2. General requirements to car repairs
3. Operation and maintenance of the car
4. Petrol engines
4.1. Removal and installation of the power unit
4.2. Dismantling and assembly of the engine
4.3. Block of cylinders
4.4. Conrod and piston group
4.5. Bent shaft and flywheel
4.6. Gas distribution mechanism
4.7. Head of the block of cylinders of GA14DE and GA16DE engines
4.8. Head of the block of cylinders of the SR20DE engine
4.9. Cooling system
4.10. Lubrication system
4.10.1. Removal, check and installation of the oil pump
4.10.2. Check of pressure of oil
4.10.3. Removal and installation of the oil heater of the SR20DE engine
4.10.4. Removal and installation of the oil pallet of the SR20DE engine
4.11. System of production of the fulfilled gases
4.12. Power supply system
4.13. Complex Control System of the Engine (CCSE)
5. Diesel engines
6. Transmission
7. Running gear
8. Steering
9. Brake system
10. Electric equipment
11. Body
12. Appendices
13. Schemes of electric equipment



4.10.1. Removal, check and installation of the oil pump

On GA14DE and GA16DE engines at first it is required to remove a head of the block of cylinders and a chain of the drive of camshafts as it is described in subsection. "Gas distribution mechanism".
On the SR20DE engine for access to the oil pump it is necessary to uncover the drive of camshafts, then a cover of the oil pump.

Fig. 2.75. Check of gaps in the oil pump of the engine: And — check of a gap between the outer diameter of the leading gear wheel and boring of a pump housing; B — check of a gap between teeths of the leader and conducted gear wheels; In — check of a gap between teeths of the conducted gear wheel and a dividing sickle; — check of a gap between end faces of gear wheels and the plane of a cover

Take out gear wheels. Turn out a stopper of the reducing valve, take the valve and a spring. Examine the removed details, on them there should not be wear tracks and other damages. Be convinced of lack of zadir on gear wheels and a pump housing. Establish gear wheels in a forward cover of the drive of camshafts. Check by means of a set of probes gaps in the oil pump (fig. 2.75).
Gaps have to make, mm:
between an external surface of the leading gear wheel and a pump housing       0,11 — 0,20
between teeths of a gear wheel and the plane of a cover       0,05 — 0,11
between an end face of the conducted gear wheel and the plane of a cover       0,05 — 0,09
At big gaps it is necessary to replace gear wheels or a cover of the drive of the oil pump.
Disassemble perepuskny the valve for what turn out its stopper, take out a spring and a ball.
On details there should not be wear tracks and corrosion. At assembly of the valve replace laying.
Assembly of the pump is carried out to the sequences, the return dismantling. Replace screws with crosswise vents if vents were damaged. At assembly oil all details of the pump engine.

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4.10. Lubrication system
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4.10.2. Check of pressure of oil