Service of Nissan Almera from 1995 to 2000 in N15 body
1. General information
2. General requirements to car repairs
3. Operation and maintenance of the car
4. Petrol engines
4.1. Removal and installation of the power unit
4.2. Dismantling and assembly of the engine
4.3. Block of cylinders
4.4. Conrod and piston group
4.5. Bent shaft and flywheel
4.5.1. Check of technical condition
4.5.2. Check of gaps between inserts and necks of a bent shaft
4.5.3. Check of an axial gap of a bent shaft
4.6. Gas distribution mechanism
4.7. Head of the block of cylinders of GA14DE and GA16DE engines
4.8. Head of the block of cylinders of the SR20DE engine
4.9. Cooling system
4.10. Lubrication system
4.11. System of production of the fulfilled gases
4.12. Power supply system
4.13. Complex Control System of the Engine (CCSE)
5. Diesel engines
6. Transmission
7. Running gear
8. Steering
9. Brake system
10. Electric equipment
11. Body
12. Appendices
13. Schemes of electric equipment



4.5. Bent shaft and flywheel

Fig. 2.5. Details of the block of cylinders and krivoshipno-conrod mechanism of GA14DE and GA16DE engines: I \with the mechanical transmission; II \with the automatic transmission;
1 — the block of cylinders; 2 — the holder of a back cuff of a bent shaft; 3 — a drain stopper of cooling liquid of the block of cylinders; 4 — an arm; 5 — inserts of radical bearings of a bent shaft; 6 — persistent half rings of a bent shaft; 7 — a bent shaft; 8 — covers of radical bearings of a bent shaft; 9 — the plug of the drive of the oil pump; 10 — an asterisk of a bent shaft;
11 — segment splines; 12 — a cover of the lower head of a rod;
13 — connecting rods; 14 — a rod; 15 — lock rings;
16 — a piston finger; 17 — the piston; 18 — an oil scraper ring; 19 — the lower compression ring; 20 — the top compression ring; 21 — a back cuff of a bent shaft; 22 — a back cover; 23 — a flywheel; 24 — the lower cover; 25 — a back cover; 26 — the conducted disk

Bent shaft pig-iron, five-basic with four counterbalances (see fig. 2.5 and 2.6).

Fig. 2.6. Details of the block of cylinders and krivoshipno-conrod mechanism of the SR20DE engine:
1 — a gas distribution mechanism drive chain cover; 2 — an arm of fastening of the generator;
3 — the water pump; 4 — the block of cylinders; 5 — the holder of a back cuff of a bent shaft; 6 — persistent half rings; 7 — a flywheel; 8 — a back cover; 9 — a bent shaft; 10 — an insert of the radical bearing; 11 — a cover of the radical bearing; 12 — a bed of radical bearings of a bent shaft;
13, 14 — the maslootrazhatelny screen; 15 — an aluminum case; 16 — a maslouspokoitelny guard;
17 — a steel stamped case; 18 — a stopper of a drain opening; 19 — a cover; 20 — a rod and a cover of a rod; 21 — inserts of the lower head of a rod; 22 — lock rings; 23 — a piston finger; 24 — the plug of the top head of a rod; 25 — the piston; 26 — piston rings; 27 — an oil receiver with the filter of the oil pump; 28 — a sealing ring

On diameter of radical and conrod necks bent shafts are broken into three dimensional groups, except for a bent shaft of the SR20DE engine having four dimensional groups (tab. 2.3).

Table 2.3  Dimensional characteristics of a bent shaft, mm
Engine model
Dimensional group
Diameter of radical necks
GA14DE and GA16DE engines
SR20DE engine
Diameter of conrod necks
GA14DE and GA16DE engines
SR20DE engine
Gap between an insert and a radical neck
GA14DE and GA16DE engines
0,018-0,042 (nominal)
SR20DE engine
0,004-0,022 (nominal)
GA14DE and GA16DE engines
0,1 (maximum)
Gap between an insert and a conrod neck
GA14DE and GA16DE engines
0,010-0,035 (nominal)
SR20DE engine
0,020-0,045 (nominal)
GA14DE and GAS16DE engines
0,1 (maximum)
Axial gap of a bent shaft
GA14DE and GAS16DE engines
0,06-0,18 (nominal)
SR20DE engine
0,10-0,26 (nominal)
All engines
0,3 (maximum)
Axial gap of a rod
All engines
0,20-0,47 (nominal)
0,52 (maximum)
Ovality of radical and conrod necks, no more
All engines
Conicity of radical and conrod necks, no more
All engines

Two persistent half rings are established in nests on both sides from the central support of a bent shaft. They provide adjustment of an axial gap of a bent shaft. Half rings are established by the party with flutes to a bent shaft.
The pig-iron flywheel is fixed by bolts on cranked to a shaft. Centering of a flywheel is provided with the adjusting plug. The maximum axial beating of a flywheel on diameter of 115 mm should not exceed 0,15 mm.

Fig. 2.8. Marking of dimensional groups of diameters of cylinders on the block of GF14DE and GA16DE engines: 1 — numbers of dimensional groups of diameters of cylinders; 2 — numbers of dimensional groups (categories of the sizes) of inserts of bearings of a bent shaft; 3 — number of dimensional group of diameter of the cylinder No. 1; 4 — number of dimensional group (category of the size) of inserts of the bearing No. 1

Fig. 2.11. Marking of dimensional groups of diameters of necks of a bent shaft: 1 — a code of dimensional groups of diameters of conrod necks of a bent shaft; 2 — a code of dimensional groups of diameters of radical necks of a bent shaft; 3 — a tag of dimensional group of diameter of a conrod neck No. 1;
4 — a tag of dimensional group of diameter of a radical neck No. 1

Fig. 2.12. Inserts of radical bearings of a bent shaft: 1 — the insert with a flute and an opening for lubricant, is established from the block of cylinders; 2 — the smooth insert, is established in a cover of the case of the radical bearing; 3 — marking by paint of dimensional group

The marking facilitating their complete set is applied on the block of cylinders and a bent shaft. Marking includes a five-digit code of category of the sizes of the established inserts and diameters of cylinders. In fig. 2.8 and 2.11 examples of interpretation of the specified parameters are given. Inserts of radical bearings thin-walled steel with a working surface from aluminum-tin alloy. The inserts installed in the block of cylinders have flutes and openings for lubricant. The inserts established in covers of bearings, smooth (fig. 2.12). On thickness all inserts are broken into dimensional groups which are marked by paint at an end face.
Inserts of conrod bearings also steel thin-walled with a working surface from aluminum-tin alloy. Inserts from a rod have an opening which at assembly is combined with an opening in a rod body. Connecting rods are broken into the groups on thickness marked by paint at an end face (tab. 2.4) too. Repair inserts also differ on dimensional groups.

 Table 2.4 Thickness of Inserts
Dimensional group and color
0 black
1 brown
2 green
3 yellow
4 blue
5 pink
6 white
Radical inserts
Connecting rods
1,503-1,506 *
1,500-1,503 *
1,503-1,506 **

* Without color tag.
** Tag of black color.

Thickness of inserts of GA14DE and GA16DE engines, mm:
       +0,25 1,960—1,964
       +0,50 2,085—2,089
       +0,08 1,542—1,546
       +0,12 1,562—1,566
       +0,25 1,627—1,631
Thickness of inserts of the SR20DE engine:
       +0,05 2,109—2,117
       +0,08 1,541—1,549
       +0,12 1,561—1,569
       +0,25 1,626—1,634

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4.4.1. Check of technical condition
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4.5.1. Check of technical condition