4.5.2. Check of gaps between inserts and necks of a bent shaftCheck is carried out by means of the special calibrated plastic wire.
Carefully clear working surfaces of inserts and the corresponding neck of a bent shaft. Put the piece of the plastic calibrated wire equal on length to insert width, on the surface of a neck. Depending on a type of the checked neck establish on a neck a rod with a cover or a cover of the radical bearing and tighten nuts or bolts of fastening. Nuts of conrod bolts tighten the moment of 2,9 kgfs · m, bolts of fastening of covers of radical bearings — the moment of 5,3 kgfs · m. Do not allow at the same time a provorachivaniye of a bent shaft of the engine.
Turn out bolts, uncover and, using the scale applied on packing of a wire determine gap size by deformation of a wire.
If the gap in bearings exceeds
0,1 mm, also deliver to a neck pereshlifuyta under the repair size inserts of the repair size.