Also together establish a cowl and turn, without tightening, bolts of fastening of a cowl to loops. Achieve such provision of a cowl that the lock was closed with a height of installation of a cowl of forward wings
(fig. 9.2) 1 — 1,5 mm lower than level. Achieve a uniform gap between the interfaced body details. Tighten cowl bolts. Weaken bolts of fastening of the lock of a cowl
(fig. 9.3), then open 2 — 3 times and close a cowl that the lock reached the correct position then tighten bolts of fastening of the lock. By means of an adjustable rubber emphasis establish the provision of a cowl in the closed condition of forward wings 2 mm lower than level. Be convinced of uniformity of a gap between a cowl, wings and the forward panel of a body. Sizes of gaps which have to be at installation of doors, a cowl and a luggage carrier of the car are given in
fig. 9.4.