5.6.2. Removal and TNVD installationDisconnect a wire of the "minus" plug from the rechargeable battery. On an arm of fastening of TNVD make a mark of provision of TNVD. Install the piston of the 1st cylinder in the provision of VMT of a step of compression for what turn a bent shaft so that the cut of a pulley of a bent shaft (without color marking) was opposite to a tag on the block of cylinders. Press clips device hoses for start of the cold engine (on the CD20 engine). Take off a TNVD drive belt (see below).
Fig. 3.33. Bolts of fastening of TNVD: I \on the CD20 engine; II \on the CD20E engine
Separate all electrosockets, disconnect the vacuum drives and cables of management suitable to TNVD. Remove fuel-supply lines of high pressure, then disconnect the bringing and drain fuel-supply lines from TNVD. Turn off and remove a nut of fastening of the cogged pulley of the TNVD drive; remove the cogged pulley by means of the corresponding stripper, take a spline. Turn off bolts of fastening (fig. 3.33) and remove TNVD.
Fig. 3.34. Installation of the cogged pulley of the TNVD drive: 1 — an adjusting tag; 2 — shponochny grooves: "And" for the CD20 and "B" engine for the CD20E engine
Carry out the TNVD installation on the tag made at removal. Put on a pulley TNVD shaft, having established a spline in the corresponding groove (fig. 3.34). Tighten a nut of fastening of a pulley. Establish a driving belt. Execute the remained operations as it should be, the return to removal, and check the level of cooling liquid.