7.1.4. Removal and installation of a cross-piece of a forward suspension bracket
Fig. 5.2. Type of a forward suspension bracket: 1 — bolts of fastening of a back support of the lever of a forward suspension bracket; 2 — a bolt of fastening of a forward support of the lever of a suspension bracket; 3 — a nut of fastenings of a rack of the stabilizer of cross stability; 4 — bolts of fastening of the stabilizer of cross stability;
5 — bolts of fastening of a cross-piece of a forward suspension bracket to a body
Lift and establish a forward part of the car on supports. Remove wheels. Block a wheel nave from rotation. Take out the forelock of a lock-nut and turn off a nut of fastening of a nave. Turn off a nut of fastening of a finger of the spherical hinge of steering thirst for a rotary fist. By means of a stripper disconnect steering draft from a rotary fist. Turn off a nut of fastening of the spherical hinge of the lower lever of a suspension bracket and by means of a stripper disconnect the lever from a rotary fist. Take aside a rotary fist and a rack and take out a shaft of the external hinge of a shaft of the drive of a forward wheel from a nave. Execute the same operations on the other side of the car. Remove the stabilizer of cross stability. Turn out bolts of fastening of forward and back support (see fig. 5.2) the suspension bracket lever on both sides of the car. Remove both levers of a suspension bracket.
On cars with the petrol engine remove the thermoisolating screen of a reception pipe of the muffler. Remove a reception pipe of the muffler. Remove connecting draft and drafts of the drive of gear shifting. Supporting the power unit, remove forward and back arms of a suspension bracket of the power unit from the lower cross support. Remove the lower cross support of the power unit. Turn off bolts of fastening of a case of the steering mechanism to a cross-piece of a forward suspension bracket. By means of one or several jacks prop up a cross-piece of a suspension bracket and turn out two bolts and four nuts of fastening of a cross-piece of a forward suspension bracket to a car body. Slowly lower a suspension bracket cross-piece, watching to hooking on units or details of fastening located close.
Installation is carried out to the sequences, the return to removal.
Finally tighten threaded connections after lowering of wheels of the car. Check tightness of system of release and adjust the angles of installation of forward wheels.