6.2.7. Assembly secondary валафBefore assembly of a shaft check a condition of details, paying attention to the following:
— on a surface of gear wheels wear of teeths or their damage is not allowed;
— the spot of contact of teeths of gear wheels has to occupy all working surface of tooth;
— at end faces of teeths of the blocking rings of synchronizers considerable wear is not allowed;
— basic surfaces of gear wheels should not have wear tracks;
— the nave of the coupling of the synchronizer should not have damages and traces of jamming, especially on the surfaces of sliding of the coupling;
— surfaces of balls, rollers, racetracks of rings of bearings should not have damages.
Fig. 4.35. Installation of a nave of the synchronizer
Oil a shaft and install the needle bearing of a gear wheel of the I transfer. Put on a gear wheel of the I transfer and check ease of its rotation. Put on the blocking ring of the synchronizer and a napressuyta a nave of the synchronizer I and II of transfers, paying at the same time attention to that grooves of the blocking ring of the synchronizer settled down opposite to crackers of a clamp of the sliding coupling (fig. 4.35). Fulfill this requirement at installation of all synchronizers of the transmission.
Establish a clamp ball in a shaft nest, having fixed it by jellied lubricant.
Fig. 4.36. Measurement of a gap between basic half rings and the expansion plug
Put on the blocking transfer synchronizer II ring, a gear wheel and a lock ring. Oil a lock ring and put on a gear wheel of the III transfer. Establish the blocking ring of the synchronizer III and IV of transfers, paying at the same time attention to that grooves of the blocking ring of the synchronizer settled down opposite to crackers of a clamp of the sliding coupling. Establish the second ball of a clamp in a nest of a shaft and fix it by jellied lubricant. Establish a lock ring and oil it. Put on the blocking transfer synchronizer IV ring, then a gear wheel. Napressuyte gear wheel of the V transfer. Check ease of rotation of gear wheels I, II, III and IV transfers (at the same time the sliding couplings of synchronizers have to be in neutral situation). Install the expansion plug and basic half rings. Measure by means of a set of probes a gap between basic half rings and the expansion plug (fig. 4.36). The gap has to be no more than 0,1 mm. If the gap is more, pick up and establish two basic half rings of bigger thickness. Install two new conic bearings.