6.2.5. Assembly of a main shaftAfter dismantling of a shaft check technical condition of its details:
— on gear wheels damages or wear of teeths are not allowed;
— at end faces of teeths of the blocking ring of the synchronizer should not be considerable a smyatiya or chips. The spot of contact of teeths of gear wheels has to occupy all working surface of tooth; basic surfaces of gear wheels should not have traces of jamming and wear;
— the nave of the coupling of the synchronizer should not have damages and traces of jamming, especially on the surfaces of sliding of the coupling; at detection of wear tracks at end faces of teeths of the coupling it is necessary to replace;
— on surfaces of balls and rollers, and also on racetracks of rings there should not be damages; needles and a separator of the needle bearing should not have wear tracks and damages.
Oil a shaft and install into place the needle bearing of an intermediate gear wheel of transfer of a backing. Establish into place an intermediate gear wheel of transfer of a backing, focusing at the same time its conic part towards the end of a main shaft.
Establish into place the blocking synchronizer ring.
Fig. 4.22. Installation of a cover of the case of the bearing (before a bearing napressovka)
Put on a transfer synchronizer V nave a shaft. Establish a shaft under a press and slowly to a napressuyta a nave on a shaft; at the same time you watch that vents of the blocking ring settled down against clamp crackers. Establish a persistent washer of the synchronizer V of transfer. Establish a cover of the case of the bearing and a napressuyta the bearing of a main shaft (fig. 4.22). Establish a lock ring and measure axial movement of a main shaft which should not be more than 0,1 mm.
At the increased gap use a lock ring of bigger thickness.