Check a condition of gear wheels and measure axial gaps of each gear wheel
(fig. 4.23). If values of gaps go beyond, specified in tab. 4.2, replace all details of a secondary shaft.
Remove roller bearings from a secondary shaft. Remove an internal ring and basic half rings from a gear wheel of the V transfer
(fig. 4.24). Press a gear wheel of the V transfer, previously having removed a remote ring
(fig. 4.25).
Remove the gear wheel of the IV transfer blocking the plug
(fig. 4.26) and take a clamp ball from a secondary shaft
(fig. 4.27). Press a nave of the synchronizer III and IV of transfers. Remove the gear wheel of the III transfer
(fig. 4.28) blocking the plug
of fig. 4.29), a gear wheel of the II transfer
(fig. 4.30) and take a ball of a clamp
(fig. 4.31). Press a nave of the synchronizer I and II of transfers
(fig. 4.32). Remove the blocking transfer synchronizer I ring, the conducted gear wheel
(fig. 4.33) and the needle bearing
(fig. 4.34).