6.3.1. General informationOn the car the automatic RL4F03A transmission of model 34х68, four-stage with four transfers of the forward course, including one raising, and one transfer of a backing can be installed. The box consists of the hydrotransformer, a two-level planetary reducer with tape brakes of friction clutches and the hydraulic control unit, the main transfer with differential and the electronic device for use of teams of management. Transfers switch automatically depending on the speed of the movement and loading of the engine. The lever of the selector of the transmission has six provisions: Р — the parking;
R — a backing; N — neutral situation; D — automatic gear shifting of the forward course (I, II and III); 2 — automatic switching of I and II transfers; 1 — automatic inclusion of the I transfer.
Fig. 4.44. Details of the automatic transmission: 1 — sealing rings; 2 — an epiploon; 3 — the case of the oil pump; 4 — gear wheels of the oil pump; 5 — a cover of the oil pump; 6 — a persistent washer; 7 — the needle bearing; 8, 15 — cases of friction clutches; 9 — laying; 10, 16, 22 — the piston of inclusion of friction clutches; 11, 17 — support;
12 — lock rings; 13 — a friction clutch disk with external gearing; 14 — disks; 18 — a friction clutch disk with internal gearing; 19 — a concave disk; 20 — a support of a spring of the coupling of the forward course; 21 — a returnable spring; 23 — a friction clutch of the forward course; 24 — the case of a friction clutch of inclusion of the forward course; 25 — a backing friction clutch piston spring support; 26 — the piston of inclusion of a friction clutch of the I transfer and transfer of a backing; 27 — a gear ring of a transmission brake;
28 — a gear wheel of internal gearing; 29 — a gear wheel of external gearing; 30 — the carriage of satellites; 31 — the conducted gear wheel of the main transfer; 32 — a friction clutch nave; 33 — an output shaft; 34 — the bearing; 35 — an adjusting washer; 36 — the conic roller bearing;
37 — the leading gear wheel of the drive of the main transfer; 38 — the conducted gear wheel of the drive of the main transfer; 39 — nuts; 40 — the bearing of the leading gear wheel of the main transfer; 41 — the leading gear wheel of the main transfer; 42 — a pin of fastening of a tape brake; 43 — a tape brake;
44 — a piston support; 45 — the piston of the drive of a tape brake;
46 — a spring; 47 — a rod of a tape brake
Fig. 4.45. Differential details: 1 — a hydrotransformer case; 2 — an epiploon; 3 — a sealing ring; 4 — the speedometer sensor; 5 — a semi-axial gear wheel; 6 — an axis of satellites;
7 — satellites; 8 — persistent washers; 9 — the bearing; 10 — a speedometer drive gear wheel; 11 — a differential box; 12 — the conducted gear wheel of the main transfer; 13 — an adjusting washer of an axial gap of differential; 14 — the leading gear wheel of the main transfer; 15 — the bearing of the leading gear wheel of the main transfer; 16 — an adjusting washer of the leading gear wheel of the main transfer; 17 — the conducted gear wheel of the drive of the main transfer; 18 — a nut of a shaft of the leading gear wheel of the main transfer
Fig. 4.46. Gear shifting mechanism details: 1 — draft of the selector of the transmission; 2 — the lever of compulsory return gear shifting; 3 — a selector cam; 4 — a lamellar spring of the reducing valve; 5 — the switch of the blocking device of a starter; 6 — a selector cable; 7 — the sector of the lever of the selector; 8 — the blocking button; 9 — the selector lever handle; 10 — a control lamp of inclusion of transfer; 11 — a spring; 12 — an arm; 13 — laying; 14 — a cable of compulsory return gear shifting; 15 — draft of the drive of position "P" of the lever of the selector
Inclusion of the fourth overdrive gear ("Overdrive") is carried out by means of the button located on the selector lever. Details of the transmission are shown in fig. 4.44, a differential detail — in fig. 4.45, a gear shifting mechanism detail — in fig. 4.46.
At installation of the lever of the selector in situation "P" the mechanical blocking of an output shaft of a box obstructing the spontaneous traffic of the car is carried out. Simultaneous turning on of the parking brake increases reliability and safety at the parking of the car. In this situation launch of the engine is possible.
Situation "N" is used at launch of the engine and its work at the motionless car. In need of launch of the decayed engine at the movement of the car situation "N" is also used.
Situation "D" is used under usual conditions of driving. In need of inclusion of a low gear (for example, when overtaking, the emergency maneuver) it is necessary to press a pedal of management of fuel supply against the stop.
Moving of the lever of the selector to situation "2" provides confident movement in the hilly terrain, at towage of the trailer and is used for intensive braking by the engine and dispersal. The return compulsory inclusion of a low gear when pressing a pedal of management of fuel supply against the stop is allowed. This situation can be included at a speed of car no more than 95 km/h.
Situation "1" is used for intensive braking by the engine and can be included at a speed up to 50 km/h.
For compulsory inclusion of the I transfer from position "D" or "2" of the lever of the selector it is necessary to press against the stop a pedal of management of fuel supply.
The ignition key is taken out from the lock only in position "P" of the lever of the selector which is blocked after taking out of a key from the lock.