Service of Nissan Almera from 1995 to 2000 in N15 body
1. General information
2. General requirements to car repairs
3. Operation and maintenance of the car
4. Petrol engines
5. Diesel engines
6. Transmission
7. Running gear
7.1. Forward suspension bracket
7.1.1. Removal and installation of a rack of a forward suspension bracket
7.1.2. Dismantling and assembly of a rack of a forward suspension bracket
7.1.3. Removal and installation of the stabilizer of cross stability
7.1.4. Removal and installation of a cross-piece of a forward suspension bracket
7.1.5. Check and adjustment of angles of installation of forward wheels
7.1.6. Replacement of the hug bearing of a forward wheel
7.2. Back suspension bracket
8. Steering
9. Brake system
10. Electric equipment
11. Body
12. Appendices
13. Schemes of electric equipment

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7.1. Forward suspension bracket

Forward suspension bracket — independent with cross levers and telescopic hydraulic damping racks of Mac-Ferson with twisted cylindrical springs, with the stabilizer of cross stability. The lower levers fasten to a cross-piece of a forward suspension bracket. In the top support of a telescopic rack the rubber buffer and the persistent bearing providing a possibility of its turn at turn of wheels is located. In a suspension bracket shock-absorbers of bilateral action are used. Rotary fists connect to the lower levers via spherical hinges.
The stabilizer of cross stability is executed in the form of a bar of round section which fastens to a cross-piece of a forward suspension bracket and transmits load of levers through racks of fastening of the stabilizer. Naves of wheels rotate on the two-row radial-stop bearings installed with a tightness in rotary fists.

Fig. 5.1. General view of a forward suspension bracket

The general view, elements of a design and detail of a suspension bracket are given in fig. 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3.

Fig. 5.2. Type of a forward suspension bracket: 1 — bolts of fastening of a back support of the lever of a forward suspension bracket; 2 — a bolt of fastening of a forward support of the lever of a suspension bracket; 3 — a nut of fastenings of a rack of the stabilizer of cross stability; 4 — bolts of fastening of the stabilizer of cross stability;
5 — bolts of fastening of a cross-piece of a forward suspension bracket to a body

Fig. 5.3. Details of a forward suspension bracket and naves of forward wheels: 1 — a collar of fastening and a pillow of the stabilizer of cross stability; 2 — a bar of the stabilizer of cross stability; 3 — the external hinge of a shaft of the drive of a wheel; 4 — the shock-absorber; 5 — the lower support of a spring; 6 — a spring; 7 — a shock-absorber rod nut; 8 — a nut of fastening of a rack of a suspension bracket to a body; 9 — a lining; 10 — a flange of fastening of a rack of a suspension bracket to a body; 11 — the compression course buffer; 12 — the top plate of a spring;
13 — the top support of a spring; 14 — a protective cover; 15 — a rotary fist; 16 — the hug bearing; 17 — a lock ring; 18 — a cuff; 19 — a hairpin of fastening of a wheel; 20 — a nave; 21 — a washer;
22 — a nut of fastening of a nave; 23 — a lock-nut; 24 — the forelock; 25 — the suspension bracket lever; 26 — a rack of the stabilizer of cross stability; 27 — a back support of fastening of the lever of a suspension bracket; 28 — a cross-piece of a forward suspension bracket

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7. Running gear
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7.1.1. Removal and installation of a rack of a forward suspension bracket