Fig. 4.8. Details of the transmission, main transfer and differential: 1 — the roller bearing; 2 — lock rings; 3 — a persistent washer;
4 — a synchronizer nave; 5 — the blocking transfer synchronizer V ring; 6 — the sliding transfer synchronizer V coupling; 7 — the leading gear wheel of the V transfer; 8 — the needle bearing; 9 — a stopper; 10 — a main shaft; 11 — the ball bearing; 12, 35 — washers; 13 — an intermediate gear wheel of a backing; 14 — an adjusting ring of an axial gap; 15 — an external ring of the bearing; 16 — a separator with conic rollers; 17 — an internal ring of the bearing; 18 — a ring; 19 — the expansion plug; 20 — the conducted gear wheel of the V transfer; 21, 27 — the blocking plugs; 22 — the conducted gear wheel of the IV transfer; 23 — the blocking transfer synchronizer IV ring; 24 — the blocking transfer synchronizer III ring; 25 — the sliding coupling of the synchronizer III and IV of transfers; 26 — the conducted gear wheel of the III transfer; 28 — the conducted gear wheel of the II transfer; 29 — the blocking transfer synchronizer II ring;
30 — the sliding coupling of the synchronizer I and II of transfers with the conducted backing gear wheel; 31 — the blocking transfer synchronizer I ring; 32 — the conducted gear wheel of the I transfer; 33 — a secondary shaft; 34 — the conic roller bearing of differential; 36 — the leading gear wheel of the drive of a speedometer;
37 — the differential case; 38 — an adjusting ring of bearings; 39 — a gear wheel of the main transfer; 40 — a pin of an axis of satellites; 41 — a washer of satellites; 42 — the satellite; 43 — a semi-axial gear wheel; 44 — a washer of semi-axial gear wheels; 45 — an axis of satellites